PSA now accepting Express service level submissions

PSA accepting Express

A little while ago we annouced that PSA suspended submissions to some of their most popular services. The suspension of new submissions was neccessary for PSA to reduce the growing number of cards in their backlog.  While great strides have been made there are still a large number of cards waiting to be graded. To ensure cards don’t come flooding in PSA are taking a staggered approach to reintroducing their services.  Today they have reintroduced the Express serivce!

How much is the Express service?

The Express service is available for $329.95AUD / per card and is best for cards valued up to $2499USD

When can I submit my cards?

We submit cards to PSA at the end of every month.  The due dates are available on the Pricing & Shipping dates page.

The Express category is now open and if you wish to submit you cards through this service you can head to the Submit Cards page (you will need an account to access this link).

What is the turnaround time for the Express service?

PSA no longer use turnaround times for their grading service and have shifted to Complete Through Dates (CTD).  To track where PSA are at with their orders you can use our CTD page to track all service levels.  These dates are also in your account and are aligned with your order so you can see how close PSA is to completeing your submission.  The CTD’s are updated daily.

Complete Through Date % completion

From next week PSA will provide greater transparency on the CTDs and will begin to provide weekly updates on how much they completed for a given month.   The below is an example from PSA’s last article.  The percentage data will also be provided on our CTD page once it’s available.


Head to the PSA site if you would like to read their full statment.