Cgc Comics

CGC Expression of Interest

The purpose of this form is to gauge interest in sending an order to CGC. Use this form to register your interest for grading.

Pricing on this form is only an estimate and can change.
Transit insurnace will be included with CGC submissions.
The expected turnarond times are current, however they may change and are not guaranteed

Service LevelTurnaround
Modern25 Business Days
Vintage40 Business Days

"*" indicates required fields

What kind of comics will you send?*
Pressing available for an additional fee:
Modern approx. A$30 /comic
Vintage approx. A$60 /comic
Are you interested in grading video games?*
Tell us how many items you are likely to send in your first submission
Are you prepared to share shipping costs?*
Shipping costs will be shared and divided amongst the group